Tracking workflow status by document from Webtop’s Properties/History tab.
Allow a user to select a document in Webtop and click on Properties/History to view the document’s workflow history.
Solution History:
Webtop: Out-of-box workflow functionality which requires running the dm_WFReporting job and auditing events.
Report: Properties/History
Location: Select Workflow task and go to Properties/History
You’ll get a list of the work activities, there date/time stamps and who performed it.
Report: Workflow Reporting
Location: Tools/Workflow/Workflow Reporting
Attributes: Workflow Name, Status, Active, Task Name, Performer, Supervisor
Edit Report:
User – select a user
Document – select a document by drilling down folders
Template – select a workflow template
Show overdue, all, running, or completed workflows
Report: Historical Report (Process or User)
Location: Tools/Workflow/Historical Report/Process or User
Form options:
- Display statistics for business process running
- From:
To: - Include only process where these conditions are met
- Process Template name contains: type in text
- Or User contains: type in text
- Workflow Supervisor is: select user
- Duration: select operater and type in days, hours, minutes
- Cost: select operator and type in number
- Location is: select folder
WorkQueue Monitor
Location: Select Workflow task and go to Properties/History
Functionality: You’ll get a list of the work activities, there date/time stamps and who performed it.
Create a custom Package_History table
Purpose: This is necessary because the link between the workflow instance and the package id (the content id) is lost after the workflow is complete. This provides the track record of workflow’s packages during the workflow activity and after the workflow is complete.
Create a custom Workflow_History table
Purpose: To keep track of workflow queue items. We decided to store all workflow related queue events in a custom table to assure that the historical information for the workflow activities would not be deleted by the queue management job.
Query the workflow history based on the following steps
- Look up the workflow instance ID from the custom package history table based on the Object ID.
- Select attributes from the custom workflow history table
- Union these results with a selection from the dmi_queue_item table
Present the User with the following information about the document’s workflow history
Date: Timestamp of action
Work Queue: Name of the work queue or activity
Performer: Name of the user who performance the task
Action: The event status of the activity
Changes to Webtop
Component changes
· Make a copy of the history_component.xml to the custom folder and extend for the original configuration file, and point the behavior to the new class
· Set “String_3” to true:
Create a custom component behavior class
The main customization is with the query string method:
protected String getQuery(String strVisibleAttrs, ArgumentList args)
if(m_strSelectedVersionObjectId == null)
m_strSelectedVersionObjectId = m_strObjectId;
String strWhere = m_strQueryConditionFormat;
strWhere = StringUtil.replace(strWhere, "{r_object_id}", "'" +
m_strSelectedVersionObjectId + "'");
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(128);
buf.append("SELECT ");
buf.append("'1' as dummy");
buf.append(" FROM dm_dbo.wf_history_s WHERE ");
buf.append(" OR workflow_id in (select r_workflow_id ");
buf.append(" from dm_dbo.package_history ");
buf.append(" where r_component_id = '"+m_strObjectId+"' ) ");
buf.append(" UNION ");
buf.append(" SELECT sent_by as user_name, task_name as event_name,
task_state as string_3, date_sent as time_stamp, '1' as dummy ");
buf.append(" FROM dmi_queue_item");
buf.append(" WHERE router_id in ");
buf.append(" (select r_workflow_id ");
buf.append(" from dm_dbo.package_history ");
buf.append(" where r_component_id = '"+m_strObjectId+"' ) ");
buf.append(" ORDER BY 4 ASC");
System.out.println("Query: "+buf.toString());
return buf.toString();
Component Presentation Changes
The history.jsp file is copied and moved the custom folder in /custom/webcomponet/library/history