Thursday, December 22, 2011

Quick Overview of Designing a Basic DCTM Solution

Make sure the business requirements are complete and describe use cases on how the users plan to use the system. The users might say they want everything the "old" system has, but work with them to be as detailed as possible.

List out the attributes which describe the assets.
Custom objects types should be created where the attributes are not standard and need to be entered in, validated and searched by the users via forms on the application server.

Security: Users/Groups/ACLs
Access Control must be detailed out and matched to the custom object types. It may be that you will only have one custom type and one main ACL.
  • Users need to be mapped to groups
  • Groups to ACLs
  • ACLs to folders/objects

These are used to automate changing attributes on content as it goes through stages of development from Draft, Review, Approve, Obsolete, etc.

Business Process
Using the Use Cases as a guide, create workflows which have activities that follow the procedures for publishing and/or storing assets.

The key to find content is to describe it well enough so that users can find it better than they do now.

Folder Structure
Keep folder structure simple, 2-3 levels deep max if that, and rely more on search to find content.

Most important steps:
Document functional and technical specs
Build prototypes for the users.