Hi, I’m not just an ECM flounder at the bottom of your information ocean. I’m affected by any changes in how or what information is dumped into the sea. Let’s look at some of the ways that my environment gets polluted.
According to CIO’s Howard Baldwin, here are some IT complexity issues that should be looked at in order to decrease pollution levels. Baldwin calls it “complexity”, I call it pollution. As a bottom feeder, I need a lot of coordination and cooperation from above so I can live and prosper. I’m only as fit as the polluters will allow me to be. If I’m not in shape, I can’t innovate. Sorry about that last rhyme, unintended…
Documented Knowledge
How many application integrations are undocumented? Or, documented years ago and not revised? Every undocumented process turns into an oil leak into the ocean, and I have to deal with it during upgrades and new development. I know I have to make sure everyone is aware of changes I make to the ECM system, but same goes for all you applications at the surface.
Consolidate to a Cloud
As an ocean dweller, I would have no problem if all information was filtered in the cloud. This would necessitate more accurate requirements, functional specs, and testing documentation. The rain would be less polluted. The oxygen levels would be excellent. The bottom would be less murky. The ongoing maintenance of the infrastructure and integration points would drop considerably.
Complexity ebbs and flows
Like ocean tides, information inputs and outputs ebb and flow. Complexity can accumulate quickly with director churn, as they need to prove themselves and usually build new applications beside existing ones. Talk to anyone dealing with SharePoint beside an existing ECM solution and you’ll get an ear full.